Top 10k strings from 3D Master Game - Intro (1983)(Supersoft Systems)[a].z80
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1 MASTERGAME 1 ;"scroll?": 1 ;"The main Program"; 1 ;"SUPERSOFT SYSTEMS 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE NOW!": 1 ;"SPECIFICATIONS" 1 ;"PLEASE START TAPE": 1 ;"Instructions again - Y/N ?": 1 ;"If your ego can stand the shock",,"of being bested by a small Micro",,"in a completely fair challenge ,",,"then this is the game for you." 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS": 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS - Y/N ?": 1 ;"Another example - Y/N ?": 1 ;"ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP" 1 ;"A companion to 3D MASTER GAME isalso available. It is called 3D STRATEGY, is by the same author & is available from Quicksilva. The two use completely differentmove eval routines - 3D STRATEGYis also highly recommended 1 ;"3D MASTER GAME"; 1 ;", if no time control is wanted": 1 ;", followed by the duration in secs, to set a maximum time for each individual move (Blitz)" 1 ;", followed by the duration in mins, to set a maximum time for you to make ALL your moves" 1 ;"++++ The Ultimate Challenge ++++"; 1 ;" is the only game",,"for the ZXSpectrum Microcomputer",,"that will defeat the most highly",,"intelligent of Humans in a sheer",,"Battle of Wits..." 1 ; "takes 70 secs to"; 1 3D MASTER GAME 1 1983 F.Vachha" 1 1) of the position. This allows you to actually see how the 1 "Works on 16K & 48K Spectrums - on the 16K machine, uses every available byte, including UDG, P.Buffer, even the Screen (!) for the MOVGEN/EVAL scratchpad" 1 "Two choices of playing style- Tactical & Positional" 1 "Two Automatic Chess Clocks on the screen all the time" 1 "The rules of 3D MASTER GAME are essentially those of Noughts & Crosses, played in 3 dimensions on a 4*4*4 cube. To win, you must get 4 of your symbols in a straight line (Hor/Vert/Diag)." 1 "The program self-starts" 1 "The entire program, MOVGEN, 1 "Tactical (TAC) plays an active, risky game. You should defend calmly & then counterattack." 1 "Synthesised sound effects, 1 "Switchable Time Control system - either set a time limit per individual move (Blitz),or per game (Tournament), or Off" 1 "Sophisticated Randomiser which ensures games are not repeated There are >>1,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000 1 "Positional (POS) plays a deep, strategic game, & is extremely hard to outwit." 1 "Now for some illustrative lines.Make sure you understand them!" 1 "Match system with cumulative scores, Auto-reset & Auto-1st Move Decider( computerised 1 "Makes >200,000 decisions/move!" 1 "L1 BEGINNER Good for trainingL2 ADVANCED Quite challengingL3 MASTER 1 "It plays only legal moves" 1 "It accepts only legal moves" 1 "Incredibly strong - virtually unbeatable at EXPERT level!!" 1 "Hyperfast playing speed - on average uses <1.7 sec/move!!" 1 "High speed MOVGEN subroutine can generate >25000 moves/sec!" 1 "Graphically displays board & coordinates in colour.Displays moves graphically, alpha- 1 "Four levels of play, from L1 (BEGINNER) to L4 (EXPERT)" 1 "Even at its highest level of play, never uses >55 secs/game" 1 "Equipped with a comprehensive Openings library - it refers to this in YOUR time!!" 1 "Defined-depth superfast alpha- beta pruning, coupled with an ultrarefined Static Position Evaluator Function (EVAL) & 1 "Control over who plays first" 1 "Capable of an amazing 18-ply look-ahead, when the position warrants such deep examination" 1 "Can communicate very flexibly, via 15 different messages. You are at liberty to input moves in either order (ie, N2 OR 2N) Intentionally, deletion and/or retraction of part-made moves has been made impossible" 1 "Automatically recognises & 1 "Auto-loss either if time limit is exceeded, or if the game is left unattended for >4.4 mins" 1 "Auto penalties ( level-based ) for entering non-legal moves !" 1 "Audible progression of tempo as the time control is neared" 1 "Also shows Score, Level, Style Move no:, Colour to move, last move made, Times taken ( yes, the clocks even tick! ), Time Control (if set), etc etc etc" 1 "Accepts Resignations" 1 "AUTO-PLAY mode switches your computer to playing itself." 1 "AUTO-PLAY mode - you can set your computer to play itself, while you sit back & watch!! AUTO-PLAY works at all 4 skill levels, both on Tactical & on Positional settings. Combined with the last feature, AUTO- PLAY is both instructive and loads of fun!" 1 "A quite unique feature - while it is thinking, the computer displays the best move it has found so far, & its numerical evaluation (from +0 to + 1 "A fresh match can be initiated at will, at any time" 1 "; mine is "; 1 " Durations must be between 1 & 9" 1 " Your symbol is "; 1 " You can preset Time Controls for a match. In response to the prompt, press:" 1 " To resign in mid-game, use theR key. The best move found so far & the EVAL no: are displayedwhile the computer is thinking.": 1 " There are 2 playing styles:-": 1 " Squares are identified by 1 varying with level & outcome" 1 their coordinates, ie A-P & 1-4 There are 4 levels of skill:-" 1 numerically....even audibly!" 1 different games possible, even after excluding reflections & rotations!!" 1 declares both Wins & Draws for each side" 1 computer decides on its move as it looks deeper & deeper!" 1 coin toss to settle draws )" 1 a ruthless Killer Heuristic" 1 VERY challengingL4 EXPERT 1 The Ultimate One" 1 F.A.VACHHA 1983 1 EVAL, & LOGIC are in compact, highly-efficient Machinecode"